Most Important
You know, I can't believe I forgot the most important entry of a blog. The explaination of the whole thing and reasons for starting.
The Name is Pantaleon's Blotting Paper. Pantaleon is a saint who also was a doctor to a Pagan king. As a good christian he would also help the poor and not charge them. Pantaleon started to cause jealousy among the other doctors and they challenged him to see who could heal better. They agreed on a patient and Pantaleon let the other doctors go first and they could not heal the man. Pantaleon just went to the man and whispered the name "Jesus," in his ear and he was cured. But the pagan king started to go after all christians and so he killed Pantaleon.
Blotting Paper like the description at the top of the page "explains" is a sort of paper that is used to soak up excess ink on a page. Sort of my feelings on the whole blog situation. All blogs to me just seem to be soaking up ink, or rather in this case data, storage and peoples time. So this is my way of saying this is my wasting of everyone elses time, like they are wasting mine with their opinion. Not like I listen to them or you listen to me, so it's a fair trade.
One thing about me is that my whole life, or rather the last few years, I've felt like a moderator in my family. Don't like conflict, but if you do get me involved in a conflict, run. It's not pretty. But since my dealings as a moderator I don't push things in peoples faces, I just hope that they sort of have a come to jesus on their own. Also, the good thing about being a moderator is I deal in KNOWN fact. I don't try to put anything out there that might have the slightest chance of being false no matter how interesting or plausible the fact may be. Now I'm using this to refer to my last post titled "My Friend". Like I know it is stated somewhere, I want to be pre-med, so I'm fairly well versed in the ways of the human body and how it develops and works. I've been in a college psychology class, and I know that there is significant scientific research going into the study of the homosexual mind. I know that many of the cases have female traits, but that doesn't mean that all people that consider themselves homosexuals have female characteristics in their mind, nor does that mean that all people with female characteristics are homosexual. All I was saying was that my friend decided to embrace the homosexual lifestyle. I do not know for a fact whether or not he choose to be gay or whether God made him like that. Like I stated in that post, only one being in this whole universe has the answers and the right to judge my friend. So That's all for today.
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